Helpful Websites

Instead of focusing on various San Diego Comic Con blogs and websites, this post is going to focus on some of the websites out there that we might overlook in our Comic Con craziness. I bet you use these websites when you plan for a “regular” vacation but might overlook them during your SDCC planning.

A big help might be Yelp! You’ll find reviews on everything from restaurant to hotels to where to shop. In some cases, if you look closely, you’ll find that some merchants have Yelp related coupons! I’ve only seen them a handful of times but they do exist. It’s pretty easy to use. You can just do a search or go by category, neighborhood, style of food and more.

We’ve already touched on the San Diego Metro Transit System but we can’t stress it enough! You’ll find information on routes, rates, alerts and more. As it gets closer to SDCC you’ll want to keep an eye on the Metro website for any special announcements like later hours or delays!

If you plan on using a taxi during SDCC you might want to check out the various Taxi fare calculators you can find online. I have no idea how accurate they are but at least you won’t go in 100% blind. There’s TaxiWizSanDiego.OrgTaxiFareFinder and TaxiGrab. If you know the name of the taxi company you plan on using you can always see if they have a website or give them a call. If you want to save some extra money consider asking other Con goers if they want to split the cost. Just be careful though because I think some companies might add a fee depending on how many people are in the cab. If you do have a large group you might want to check out a shuttle or van company instead.

Another review website that I love is TripAdvisor. I always give it a glance before I book a hotel. Hopefully you took the time to do some research already but it’s never too late. About once a month I’ll check the reviews for the hotel I booked just to see if everything has stayed the course. Just remember to take everything with a grain of salt and focus on what’s important to you. If having fast wifi is high on the list check to see if there are any reviews mentioning the service. If you’re going to have car, see if anyone mentioned parking rates. Keep in mind that Tripadvisor features local attractions as well, not just hotels!

This might seem like common sense but that can go out the window when you have a million other things going through your head but you might want to download your airlines app (if they have one) or be able to check their website easily. You never know when a flight delay might pop up. Another great thing is being able to check in online if it’s an option. If having a decent seat is important to you keep in mind that plenty of other people will be flying out around the same time.

And finally, Twitter & Facebook. If you want to stay up to date on what’s going on during San Diego Comic Con I can’t stress using Twitter enough. You’ll find that many networks set up accounts just for SDCC. They’ll tweet changes in schedules, freebies and other important information. Plus you can find out what’s going on by doing a search for #SDCC. People tweet 24/7. It’s a great way to find out what’s going on. Don’t be selfish though! If you see something awesome going on during the event, tweet it! Let other people know! It’s give and take people.

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