I know that most of us can pull up email and other important information with a push of our smartphone but it’s always a good idea to have a hard, paper copy of all your paperwork for San Diego Comic Con. You never know what might happen. You could lose your phone. Your battery could die unexpectedly. Service could be awful.
I still can’t believe all the paper I had last year. I made sure I had a copy of:
1. Hotel Reservation
2. Rental Car Reservation
3. Parking Passes
4. SDCC Registration
5. My SDCC Panel Schedule
6. Paper Work For Photo Ops
7. Flight Information
I’m sure there’s something I’m forgetting. I actually had a file folder filled with documents. It was a little crazy but it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you have a partner in Con crime you might want to make sure they have a copy of everything as well just in case you forget yours. I’m actually glad I remembered to take my receipt for #6 on my list. When I showed up they didn’t have my name on the list but because I remembered my paper work there wasn’t an issue. See, you never know when you’ll need to pull out a receipt or document!
Here’s some other examples of paper work you might need when attending:
1. Pre-Order Pick Up Paper Work
2. Event Tickets
3. Transportation Information
4. List Of Events
5. Directions
6. Coupons/Vouchers/Groupons
I’m sure this is just the tip of the iceberg for some of you. What paper work do you suggest to carry with you? Have you ever found yourself in a jam because you forget a receipt or voucher?