TV Guide Panels Include Fan Favorites And X-Files

TV Guide Panels Include Fan Favorites And X-Files post thumbnail image

A huge thanks to @DarkStitch for the image seen here. TV Guide has announced two panels and I can see the line already forming for one.

Yes, that’s an X-files panel you see listed. Even though you’ll notice that Gillian’s name is missing, have no fear. According to her website she will be part of the panel. She’s part of a X-files comic book panel as well. Plus she’ll be signing at the Lightspeed Fine Art booth which we mentioned here.

I don’t believe there’s any information on a room yet but CCI would be foolish not to put the X-files panel in Ballroom 20. I honestly think this line might rival the line we saw last year for Firefly. Once rooms are announced we’ll be sure to add it and update the list.



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