This sounds a little different! If you’re hanging out around the convention center keep an eye out for it.
The Rubiks Cube Yarn Bomb Project @ Comic Con San Diego 2013
The Rubiks Cube guerilla yarn bomb installation will be on the weekend of Comic-Con San Diego. In the park across the street from the convention center, crocheted Rubiks Cube covers will be placed over rows of cement cubes during the event. Each Rubiks Cube will be a different pattern to create a visually abstract appearance.
For those of you not familiar with Comic-Con, it is a four-day event held yearly in San Diego, CA celebrating comic books, science fiction/fantasy and film/television, pop culture, horror, animation, anime, manga, toys, collectible card games, video games, webcomics, and fantasy novels. It’s the ultimate geek event and this convention is the largest of its kind in the US with over 130,000 attendees.
You can learn more about it on the Facebook Event Page