Editor’s Note: Hey guys-the teaser poster for the sequel to Dead Snow (a seriously fun Zombie film –it’s on Netflix Instant right now). Check out the synopsis and tell me what you think!
They’re not just zombies. They’re Nazi zombies.
And there’s a lot of them. On the orders of a rotten Führer, the zombies from Dead Snow return to settle old German scores. In the continuation of the epic splatterfest from 2009, Martin, the sole survivor of the first movie,prove that there’s more badass shit in Northern Norway than even Nazi zombies would be prepared for. The table is set for a massive revenge epic, where blood, guts, brains and throats are not the only things dredged upfrom the darkness. Old hatred never rots.
FEATURING Vegar Hoel, Martin Starr, Orjan Gamst
PRODUCED BY Terje Strømstad, Kietil Omberg
The film will be coming to select theaters on October 10th!
Utmerket stykke! Din grundige oppsummering er sterkt verdsatt. Jeg ser nå saken fra en annen vinkel takket være dine innsiktsfulle kommentarer. Du gjorde dine poeng veldig tydelige med eksemplene du inkluderte. Jeg er takknemlig for at du skrev dette.