Anyone who cares to watch coverage on Comic-Con knows about the “crazy” masses that camp out on line just to be one of the first to get into Hall H and see their favorite people right up in the front row. Sure, many of us have made fun of them or commented on how we could never do that but I think we are really just haters. Haters who are jealous that these people have the chutzpah to actually go out and labor for what they want.
But we cannot deny the fact that year after year more and more people have arrived on the lawn adjacent to the Convention Center and set up what can only be called an “Occupy Twilight” movement, complete with tents, canopies, and (I assume) barbecue grills. All of this is an impressive show of fandom, but it also creates a number of safety hazards as well as an eyesore. It is because of this that the team over at CCI, in conjunction with the San Diego Police Department and the San Diego Convention Center, have imposed new rules to curb people who would otherwise go HAM if left unmolested.
Direct from CCI’s official website, under the Important Information banner, here are a list of rules that are new to 2012 and beyond to help accomodate as many people as possible in a safe way.
- Camping is not allowed.
- No tents, canopies, inflatables, cots, beds, furniture, large coolers, heaters, large fans, large umbrellas, chaise lounges, open flames, or anything of similar size of any kind as determined by the Convention Center.
- You are allowed to have one chair per person of relatively normal size. You may use a sleeping bag or blanket as well, provided it is only taking up the space of one person.
- No facilities or services will be available in the Park, so plan accordingly.
- Restroom access will be available in Lobby G of the Convention Center from 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM each night starting Tuesday, July 10. No other access to facilities will be available.
- Please respect the grounds and dispose of trash in trash receptacles. Please do not leave any trash or waste behind.
- No “saving” a spot in line unless it is only temporary, such as a restroom break.
Hey, at least now there will be a bathroom for everyone to use! How does this effect you? Sound off in the comments section and let the world know if you agree or disagree with any of these new rules.