Back again with another round of fantastic phot ops with SDCC celebrities!
Gabrielle didn’t send any notes about these great pics but she rubbed elbows with Robert Carlyle from Once Upon a Time, the cast of Kick Ass 2 and even Game of Thrones writer, George RR Martin!
Timothy shared these with us:
Not a huge celebrity to most but I met Yoshinori Ono, the producer of the Street Fighter games on Friday. On Sunday I bumped into Michael Rooker in the Hard Rock lobby.
DC sent a few pics of his niece Krissa:
Robert Carradine (The Big Red One) and Curtis Armstrong (Ray) signing at the cereal place.Eric Andre (The Eric Andre Show) walking down 5th
Sara (@serifconnor on Twitter shared this awesome pic:
I went to the Game of Thrones exhibit on Sunday and John Bradley, who plays Samwell, was there! Really nice guy who took time to take photos with a lot of people.
That’s it for reader submissions! Next time I’ll be posting encounters from your When Nerds Attack team. Do you have a photo of a celebrity you’d like to share? It’s not too late! E-mail me at:!