That’s right! This Saturday, August 28th, is Read Comics in Public Day! I’m tardy to the party but I just found out about it via Twitter a few days ago. If you plan on joining in be sure to snap a few pictures and send them in. Here’s a little more info:
The concept is fairly simple: we’re asking that everyone take an hour or two out of their day on August 28th (also the birthday of Jack “King” Kirby, incidentally) to read a comic book in a public setting—a park bench, a beach, a bus, the front steps of your local library (we do ask, however, that you be mindful of local loitering laws). Let strangers see you reading a piece of sequential art.
I only own one comic at the moment but I hope to find time Saturday to squeeze in a little outdoor comic reading. Hopefully on Sunday I’ll add more comic books to my collection when I hit up the Baltimore Comic Con.