We know that not every tip is worth a complete post, that’s why we have this one. Here are some random tips and advice that we wanted to share, along with some of our followers! If you have a tip to add be sure to leave it in the comments!
1. Be sure to carry some small bills on you! Not everyone in Artist Alley has change for a $50 and not everyone accepts credit cards.
2. If you waiting in line for Ballroom 20, and are on the inside, be sure to bring a sweater. A/C is on full blast. @edgarbautista
3. Download schedule online ASAP. When I see somebody looking for something to do the day of, I think, “They’re screwed.” @RubinPingk
4. Always bring a good, sturdy bag stuffed with snacks, batteries, sharpies, etc. cause those are way overpriced at SDCC. @1JoshuaStone
5. If you can avoid Hall H. All panels will be on You Tube & Hall H will tie up way too much time due to lines. @1JoshuaStone The reality is no filming of screens/clips should be happening in the rooms. I remember seeing people get in trouble for it in BR20 last year. As many have pointed out, waiting in line is something that happens at Con. A better tip would be to make sure you’re in line bright and early, no later than 7am seems to be a time I’ve seen suggested a few times. I do apologize for the not so tip, tip!
6. Talk to people while waiting in line. Don’t be that taciturn person with a sour look on their face. Extrovert! @RubinPingk
7. On the way out of registration, you are given a big WB bag. Choose a line out that is giving away the bag you want. @RubinPingk
8. Know where Ralphs is. @RubinPingk
9. Convention center does not have a great selection of food if you eat healthy. Bring your own food and drink. Saves $. @edgarbautista
10. Cosplay is serious business, if you’re gonna do it – make it work! @Imakatt
11. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes/clothes. You’ll be doing a ton of walking and temperatures will change!
12. Don’t be afraid to ask other Con goers questions! If you see someone with awesome swag, just ask!
13. Be aware of your personal space! When you’re carrying around 2 bags and a backpack, you tend to take up more space than normal.
14. Personal hygiene. Enough said.