Lucas has written for Newsarama since 2004, when he started as a freelancer assisting in comic convention coverage. He then joined the Best Shots review team, recognized by Marvel, DC, and other major comic publishers as a definitive critical voice in the industry. With the relaunch of Newsarama into a wider genre-entertainment site in June 2008, he grew the new Games section from the ground up, and stepped into the Site Editor role following the departure of the prior longtime editor.
You can find him on twitter as well as
When Nerds Attack: Lucas, since this will be your first year covering Comic-Con International on location what are your expectations headed into the show?
Lucas Siegel: You know, my biggest expectation is that I’m going to be BUSY. In previous years, I’ve done the behind-the-scenes coverage, posting the actual stories, editing artwork and such, and that’s kept me busy enough. But this show itself is supposed to be a whole different level from other cons, and I’m excited. I’m going to be doing a bunch of video interviews as well as panel coverage, so it should be fun!
WNA: As editor of one of the larger comics genre news sites how will you approach covering as much of the show as you can?
LS: Well the biggest thing is having lots of people there. We typically have about 10-15 people on the ground at CCI: SD, so that’s the approach. Divide and conquer!
WNA: Traditionally there are many film and television projects currently at different stages of production that are showcased at the con. Would you care to speculate on a few that you expect or hope to hear an announcement on?