That’s right, “Hunger Games” is finally hitting the shelves on the 18th! I loved the movie and I’m sure I’ll be picking it up sooner or later but if you’re a diehard fan be sure to visit! Why? Because you’ll be able to see if there’s a special Midnight release in your area. It’s a simple website that just requires your zip code.
If a Midnight release isn’t your thing, you might be happy to know that Amazon has The Hunger Games [2-Disc Blu-ray + Ultra-Violet Digital Copy] for $19.99 at the moment which is 50% off. Here’s a breakdown of the special features:
Disc 1
• Feature FilmDisc 2
• Game Maker: Suzanne Collins and the Hunger Games Phenomenon
• The World is Watching: Making the Hunger Games
• Letters from the Rose Garden
• Controlling the Games
• A Conversation with Gary Ross and Elvis Mitchell
• Preparing for The Games: A Director’s Process (Blu-ray Exclusive)
• Propaganda Film
• Marketing Archive
If you’re looking for more, Wal-Mart has an exclusive box set that includes a Mockingjay Pendant. I’m not sure if it’s an online only offer or if they’ll have them in store as well.
Happy Hunger Games!
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