Just because you weren’t at SXSW doesn’t mean you missed out. Marvel will be offering 700 #1 issues for free over the next two days. Of course, if you can get the website to load! This all ties into the “#1″ teaser that was released leading up to SXSW. We’re talking some awesome titles too. You’ll find Avengers Arena #1, Thor: God Of Thunder #1, Young Avengers #1, and Punisher #1. Of course this isn’t even a drop in the bucket. If you’ve been thinking about checking out some of the new Marvel NOW! books but wasn’t sure, now is your chance. It’s insane the amount of money you’ll save. Some of these books are normally $3.99.
Remember, you have until Tuesday to cash in on this deal! Why are you still reading this?! Go forth and buy!