Comic-Con Badge Emails Have Started Going Out

Comic-Con Badge Emails Have Started Going Out post thumbnail image

If you’re planning on purchasing badges this Saturday, keep an eye on your inbox. It looks like CCI has started sending out the emails that contain the link needed in order to purchase a badge. We won’t be sharing that link because obviously, if you need it you’ll be getting the email. The email basically just reminds everyone to be sure to double-check their Member ID information. Now is the time to make sure you have all your arrows in your quiver. You don’t want to be delayed because of a silly spelling mistake or some other small issue. Please keep in mind that the link for badge purchases will not be posted online. What does this mean? Don’t lose your email! Go ahead and save that website into your favorite places now. Don’t wait until Saturday to click that link. If you recall last year people had issues just clicking the link and had to copy/paste instead. This wasted valuable time! Don’t be that guy!

As always, we wish you the best of luck in purchasing your badge this weekend.

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