Comic-Con 2014 Pre-Registration: Keep. That. Badge!

Comic-Con 2014 Pre-Registration: Keep. That. Badge! post thumbnail image

I’m sure most of you have received the email by now that discusses per-registration for Comic-Con 2014. As we mentioned in a previous post, CCI mentioned in a Toucan Blog that you’d want to hold onto your badge after Comic-Con this year. Here’s more information on that via the email that went out yesterday:


You will need your 2013 badge to register for 2014!

Preregistration for Comic-Con International 2014 attendee badges will be available online sometime after the convention. There will be no onsite preregistration at Comic Con 2013. Only those that have purchased a Comic-Con 2013 4-Day attendee or 1-Day attendee badge AND retain their actual badge will be eligible to participate in 2014 online preregistration.

To participate in Comic-Con International 2014 preregistration, you must retain your Comic-Con 2013 badge. Please do not throw away, give away, or lose your Comic-Con 2013 badge as it contains valuable information required to participate in preregistration.

Professionals, guests of professionals, exhibitors, exhibitor purchased attendee badges, volunteers, staff, and press will not be allowed to participate in online attendee preregistration.

Eligible attendees will be notified after Comic-Con 2013, via e-mail, with additional information regarding online preregistration. The notification will be sent to the e-mail associated with your Member ID account.

Please be sure to “opt-in” to e-mail correspondence to receive the preregistration badge sales announcement. To check your Member ID notification “opt-outs,” login to your account at and select the option “Change my preferences/unsubscribe.”

Thank you very much for your support of Comic-Con, and stay tuned for additional 2014 preregistration details

What happens if you misplace or lose your badge? I’m not sure. Personally, I have every badge from every convention I’ve attended. But I do know things happen. Melinda lost a badge one year and we didn’t even notice until we had left the convention center. I went back to look for it but you can imagine how that went! I did find a child badge though that someone had dropped!

If we get any more information we’ll let you know. How nice though, one more thing to worry and be paranoid about next week!

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