A few weeks ago at Comic-Con, EA gave me the opportunity to get some hands-on time with Mass Effect 3. This is one of my top 5 upcoming games to purchase and when I was asked if I would not only like to play it for a bit early, but also go online and tell you all about it I jumped right at the opportunity.
The demo started us off with a choice of classes between soldier, sentinel, or adept. Since I have played the first two games as a soldier and my saved game that rolls over to this one will also be one I decided to go all commando on the bad guys. What was weird though was that for a demo we really got to spend a lot of time on customizing our character with ability points and such that branch off into different paths of how you want your abilities to go. Don’t get me wrong, it was an added surprise to make the character I played as feel a little bit more like he was my own and not a prepackaged selection just to give the fans a taste.
After going through he motions of building up my squad it was on! We started with Shepard, Liara, and Garrus arriving on the Salarian homeworld to free a lady Krogan from quarantine to reverse the Krogan genophage that is bringing their species to an end. I don’t want to give much of the story away but needless to say when it was over I was left wanting more.
If you are a fan of action games or even RPG games then you need to go out and play ME 1 & 2 as well as all of the DLC for the games for a complete experience that is uniquely tailored to all of your decisions and unlike other RPGs certain decisions can lead to your character dying off, thus not being able to roll over into the upcoming third (and final) chapter which lands on 3-6-12.
Oh, and how can I forget to mention the swag? I was given a cool mass Effect Normandy Ship Prop for my Xbox Live Avatar to play with, an inflatable Omni-Blade which is a new melee combat weapon in the new game, a temporary N7 tattoo, and an awesome Normandy crew dog tag with my name on it! As a total fanboy for this series I was stoked to just play it, the goodies put me over the top!