George R. R. Martin Takes to His “Not A Blog” to Discuss Comic-Con Plans

George R. R. Martin Takes to His “Not A Blog” to Discuss Comic-Con Plans post thumbnail image

In summary:

– Yes he’ll be at Comic-Con AND be on the Game of Thrones Panel (Friday, Hall H, 2:50 PM) with unnamed cast members
– He’s also doing a signing on Saturday in the “official autograph section” from 11 AM – Noon
– He also has two other signings lined up, but no details as of yet.

You can read the whole thing here on his “Not A Blog” blog.


More details on his signings:

On Thursday, 2:00 – 3:00 pm, I will be signing copies of the 2014 ICE & FIRE CALENDAR, together with the amazing Gary Gianni, the artist. The signing will take place at Gary’s booth, Booth #4902/ 4904 on the convention floor. First come first served, as usual… Gary has only 150 copies of the calendar, and I can only be there for an hour. Though this is a signing for the CALENDAR, not my books, I will autograph ONE (1) book for anyone who buys a copy of the calendar. As in other recent events, I will be doing only signatures, no inscriptions. Sorry, I’d love to, but time does not allow. Gary may or may not be doing inscriptions, don’t know, that’s his call.

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