Comic Creator Connection Returns to Comic-Con International!

Comic Creator Connection Returns to Comic-Con International! post thumbnail image

Calling all comic creators! Are you an artist looking for the right script that could get your sequentials published? Are you a writer in dire need of an artist to give your words life on the panel? Are you currently in a committed partnership but want to see what else is out there? If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions then Comic-Con wants to be your wingman!

Comic Creator Connection is currently open for applicants who are looking for someone to make art with. Choose from either Thursday or Friday, 7-9 PM on both nights, and hopefully you can find someone who is DTF your comic (and by DTF I mean “down to fabricate”).

Here is the official info:

How did the greatest writer/artist teams in comic history find each other? And how can YOU find a working partner that shares your vision, your working style, and your commitment to publish?

Maybe you’re a writer with a great idea for a comic book series, but you can’t draw . . . or maybe you’re an artist wanting to bring someone’s amazing script to life? At Comic-Con 2012, you just might find each other!

Comic-Con International 2012 will once again host the Comic Creator Connection, an extremely popular event that brings writers and artists together to help them find their creative counterparts.

Here’s how it works: in two 2-hour sessions – on Thursday, July 12, and Friday, July 13, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM – writers and artists can sit down and meet each other in a neutral environment. In 5-minute sessions, you can talk one-on-one with a writer or artist about their unique ideas and skills. Every five minutes, the room rotates and you meet someone new. If you want to further the conversation with anyone, you simply trade contact information and get in touch with them later.

The best part about the Comic Creator Connection is the number of people you can meet. In the course of one evening, you’ll meet 15 to 20 potential collaborators! Plus, you’ll have a good initial impression of their working style, abilities, and the kind of work they want to do, and you’ll probably know (even after five minutes) whether you’d like to work together.

Due to the overwhelming demand for this event, advance registration is required.

To sign up, please send an e-mail to with “Comic Creator Connection” in the subject line. Indicate whether you’re a writer seeking an artist or an artist seeking a writer, and please specify which day you would like to participate (Thursday or Friday). You’ll receive a confirmation email with everything you’ll need to know to participate successfully in the Creator Connection.

Online sign-up is limited and will fill up quickly, so don’t miss out. There will be no onsite registration.

Please note: All participants in Comic-Con’s Comic Creator Connection must have a single-day badge to the day they are requesting to participate or a four-day badge to Comic-Con.

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