Interview With The One And Only D-Piddy

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You probably don’t know it, but I bet 99% of you know who D-Piddy is. He’s the Merc with the moves whose dance off videos spread like wildfire throughout the internet. You’ve seen him challenge random bystanders and fellow super heroes. Well, now he’s taking off his dancing shoes and sitting down for an interview with us!

D-Piddy was just any typical cosplayer until he decided to don the suit of everyone’s favorite Merc With The Mouth, Deadpool, which he wore for the first time in 2009. Pictures of him began floating around the internet, but it wasn’t until he began shooting his “Deadpool vs” videos that people outside of the convention circuit noticed him. When his Deadpool vs Gangnam Style video hit several million views on YouTube, he became this sort of viral cosplayer, with memes and fanart crawling all over Reddit, Tumblr, Facebook and other social media sites. He still dresses up as other characters when he attends the cons, but we’ll always remember him as that Dancing Deadpool.

When Nerds Attack: How long have you been cosplaying Deadpool? What goes into making the outfit?

D.Piddy: I actually bought a Deadpool suit in the beginning, which I found on eBay. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the way I wanted it. The eyes looked all weird, and it fit me wrong. So… I tried cutting it up and altering it to look the way I wanted, but no luck. I decided to ask one of my cosplay friends for help, and after a couple of weeks of teaching me how to sew a suit, we finally finished making the Deadpool costume you see in all my videos. Then of course, I had to sew all the straps, buy some of the utility belt pockets, do the swords, the belt buckle, etc. It was a long process. After it was all complete, I wore it the first time ever at Anime Expo 2009.

WNA: Have you always been a fan of his? Any special reason why you picked him to cosplay?

D.Piddy: I’ve always knew who Deadpool was due to my cousin having a couple of his comics around his house. I used to read them whenever I was over. He had a lot of the Joe Kelly stuff. It wasn’t until Daniel Way started writing him I really got into Deadpool. I got back into comics during that time, and with Deadpool getting his own series again, I thought it would be a good time to jump in and read. As for the cosplay, I dunno. I really liked the comic, and I never really saw any Deadpool cosplayers at the conventions. I mean, I’d see like one, but that was it. Nowadays, you see like twenty. But yeah, just the thought of dressing up as the Merc With The Mouth gave me a reason to act silly and still in character.

WNA: What gave you the idea of making the “dance off” videos?

D.Piddy: My friend wanted to help him make a viral video for his website’s YouTube channel, and we thought about the idea of Deadpool randomly interacting with different cosplayers at the conventions. I’m a dancer, so that explains why a lot of it is me dancing with people… but sometimes I also come up with little things that make sense with the character I’m interacting with, like fusing with Goku or getting scared by Slender Man.

WNA: I love the videos and find them hysterical. Have you ever had someone not play along? Or perhaps get a little angry?

D.Piddy: Oh yeah, tons of times. For my conventions videos, I would ask them if they’d like to be a part of the video, and they usually say yes. Some of the times, they give me a stink face, and totally turn me down. As for other videos like vs Gangnam Style or The Chicken, I kind of just record things guerilla style without asking permission. It helps to get some genuine reactions, and sometimes they get really pissy after finding out I’m recording them, haha!

WNA: What was the best experience you’ve had as Deadpool?

D.Piddy: Too many. I mean, I love cosplaying in general, but I have so much for fun as Deadpool. One time I was recording my video, some other cosplayer actually called me out to a dance battle, in the middle of the hallway. Next thing you knew, a battle ensued, and we caused a lot of commotion.

WNA: How do you pick the music that you use?

D. Piddy: I just look at all the footage, and then browse the internet for hours trying to come up with something that would fit, haha. Finding the right music takes me forever. The editing, not so much.

WNA: Could you go into more detail about how you create your videos? Maybe the programs you use?

D.Piddy: First I would pick a day to dress up as Deadpool and shoot the videos (because I have other costumes, and at times I wanna roam around the cons not in costume). After that, I just walk around the con looking for people who’re willing to be in the video. I’d ask them if they’d want to be in it, think of something to do with them (dance, fight or do something related to their character), and that’s about it. Sometimes I would find an opportunity to crash something (be it a panel, two cosplayers having a conversation, etc.) or spontaneously interact with someone, and ask my cameraman to just start shooting whatever happens. So yeah, some stuff is very candid. Then, whenever I’m back home from the con, I go over the footage, look for a couple of songs to possibly use, pop up iMovie and begin editing. I also use Audacity, and I’m currently learning how to use Final Cut.

WNA: You’ve been to numerous Conventions, tell us, which one is your favorite?

D.Piddy: Fanime in San José, CA, New York Comic-Con and Comic-Con International in San Diego, CA. They all have their different reasons why, but out of all the cons I’ve been to, those are my favorite.

WNA: Back to Deadpool, what do you think of the rumors about a movie? In your perfect world who would you cast as your Deadpool?

D.Piddy: Well, I know Fox is planning on making it, for sure. The project is just in a limbo state right now. Ryan Reynolds is still attached to play him, and I think he would make a great DP. It all really depends on who’s directing, really. I hope they get Quentin Tarantino to do it.

I want to once again thank D.Piddy for taking the time to talk with us! It was a really fun interview and I can’t wait to see what else he brings us in the future!

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