San Diego Comic Con Minimates Giveaways: Freebooters Welcome!

Hey, all you Minimates lovers out there. So, you know how I said there were gonna be free Minimates at San Diego Comic-Con? Well, there are. Four, to be exact. A specially packaged Pirate Raiders Minimate will be given out at the Diamond Select Toys booth every day at noon: Robert Deal on Thursday, Jonathan Barnet on Friday, Charles Vanes on Saturday and Calico Jack on Sunday. They’ll all be distributed in bagged trays, so that, on Sunday, you can put them all in a special box to create your own four-pack! It’s pretty cool, as you can see below, but they’re gonna go fast, so don’t be late! And hit up the Minimates panel on Saturday from 1-2 PM in Room 9, for more info and giveaways!

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